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– It does require tricks in doing design and decoration of small and limited homes. This is certainly to make the place to live feel comfortable. Let’s just look at the reviews below about tiny house designs.
Small house design

Seen from the front, the façade of this house looks minimalist and simple. Before entering the terrace, you need to climb a small staircase at the front of the house. To make the terrace safer, you can install guardrails on its sides.
Interior design

Once you enter the house, you will see the design of the house using an open concept without partitions. This is certainly to get around so that the house is not too stuffy and makes you uncomfortable. With the living room and kitchen combined into one, you need to make a good arrangement so that both rooms are not disturbed by their functions.
Living room

It can be seen in the living room area, which only has sofa furniture as a seat. With shelves hanging on the wall, it makes the design more efficient and saves space.
Bedroom design

Only has one bedroom, making you feel free to live in this tiny house. Design the bed neatly so that you feel comfortable and sound when sleeping. Minimize furniture that is less needed to avoid a messy room.
Compact arrangement

A compact arrangement is needed for this tiny house. In the kitchen area, you need to install shelves as a divider and also make the room look neater. In addition, the shelf can also be used as a storage area or to display decorations.
Author : Yuniar
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : katyzientek.tinyliving
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