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— The bedroom for children is something that needs to be presented in a house. Even at an immature age, children still need privacy in order to stay comfortable and grow to the fullest. Decorating a child’s room is indeed a difficult thing to do, so you need to think about every detail that can affect the safety and comfort of the child. For some ideas that you can use, see the following review of the Best Idea for Decorating A Beautiful Children’s Bedroom.
Beautiful wall painting

This first child’s bedroom design has an attractive appearance on the walls filled with flower paintings. This will provide a cheerful mood for the child when occupying his bedroom.
Bedroom and playroom

Of course, it will be very fun when designing a child’s bedroom as well as a place to play. In the design of this room, the use of the bunk bed is well laid out in addition to the mini slide which is not high so that it is still very safe for children when playing.
Cozy little bedroom

If you have a house that is not too big, you can place a child’s bedroom in the corner of the remaining space in the house. As in this one child’s bedroom, it still looks charming with a makeshift room. Placement of the bed attached to the wall will provide security and can provide more space in the surrounding area.
Bedroom with complete facilities

If you have children who are still babies, this one design can be an interesting idea for you. In addition to having a bed for a child to sleep in, this room is also equipped with a bed to change a child’s diaper, so you don’t have to go back and forth between rooms.
Imaginative decoration

The mindset of children who are still developing, of course, often has imagination and will stimulate thinking to become more mature. You can also support this with attractive decorations in the bedroom, such as the design of this one room. Decorating with various patterns will give a beautiful appearance and full of admiration when children see it.
Minimalist bedroom

This last bedroom idea has a minimalist design that uses a bed that is not too big with cute stuffed animal decorations. In the surrounding area, there is also a basket to place children’s toys to make it more tidy.
That’s Best Idea for Decorating A Beautiful Children’s Bedroom. for every home that you can make as the best reference. From some designs above, which one is your favorite?
those of you who want a minimalist home design from simple to modern.
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Hopefully this article is useful for those of you design inspiration and house plans.
Hopefully you will be easier in making a dream home.
Don’t forget to share it with your relatives and family to be of benefit to others.
Author : Hafidza
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : Desain Rumah /
— is a collection of minimalist home designs and floor plans from simple
to modern minimalist homes. In addition there are several tips and
tricks on home decorating various themes. Our flagship theme is the
design and layout of the house, the inspiration of the living room,
bedroom, family room, bathroom, prayer room in the house, the terrace of
the house and the child’s bedroom.