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— Having a home is essential when you have a family. The presence of a house will make the setting more cozy and comfortable. No matter how it appears, home is always the finest place to return to. Here are some low-budget home design ideas. For
details, check out 72sqm Livable Concrete House.
House facade design

This house has an appealing front with a minimalist design, and its construction is simple to construct. There is a tiny porch in the front that can be filled with chairs or just pots of fresh plants to brighten the house’s appearance from the outside.
Roof design

The roof is a shed roof model that is installed with elevations on the right and left sides. The porch features a roof deck with rods that give the building a robust appearance.
Large window

This house’s interior features wide windows on numerous walls to improve circulation, making it feel airy despite its modest size. You may also use free space to make the area feel more spacious when employing a wall barrier.
Kitchen area

The kitchen sits further back, with a concrete countertop in the corner and a window and door to the back to keep it bright and airy.
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Author : Hafidza
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : Credit to the owner
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