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— For several reasons, many people now prefer to own a tiny house because it is cheaper and more feasible. Even though it can’t accommodate many people, a tiny house can be lived in by couples. For tiny house design ideas that you can use as a reference, check out 18 Sqm Tiny House Design Ideas | Small But Wonderful.
House facade design

Because it has a small size, this house facade design has a simple look with a selection of colors that make it look attractive and elegant at the same time. Nevertheless, this house also has an exterior with interesting details on some parts of the wall to be an element that can enhance the exterior appearance of the house and can create a positive impression for those who see it.
House interior design

Entering the interior, this house has a smart arrangement of areas so as to maximize optimal function in it. The choice of the dominant white color is also able to give a brighter appearance and feel spacious. In addition, to maximize the incoming light, there is a large stationary window on the wall area near the living room sofa. Additional curtains are also something that can be applied in order to make the room more shady when desired by the owner.

Then, to maximize the ventilation in this small house, there are several circulation windows applied to several areas of the wall. The main door can also maximize circulation so that the room will not be stuffy, even though it has a small size.
Room layout

This house has several sections of rooms. Although small, this tiny house has some cozy facilities such as a living room with a well-appointed sofa, a kitchen and bar counter under the loft area, and there is also a small bathroom near the kitchen.
Bedroom design

The loft area is used as a bedroom with a simple staircase for access. The loft area is also equipped with railings to keep it safe. In order not to be stuffy, there is also a window with a size that is powerful enough to help circulate air.
Author : Hafidza
Editor : Munawaroh
Source : Dominique de Guzman
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